DisneyMagic's very own members


Mousefest was a chance to get to meet a lot of different people. ; Here is a photo of our very own Seank and NorthernMouse with Steven Barrett, the author of Hidden Mickeys. ;


"Minnie" said:
Mousefest was a chance to get to meet a lot of different people. ; Here is a photo of our very own Seank and NorthernMouse with Steven Barrett, the author of Hidden Mickeys. ;

Wow look at those Disney geeks enthusiasts! ;D

Lucky folks attending Mousefest. I'd like to do it one year.

Looking forward to a trip report.
It was great meeting you and Steve, everyone was so easy to talk to. I'll be posting a Mousefest post trip report on the podcast sometime this weekend. I lost my voice when I got back and am just now getting it back.


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Looking forward to a trip report.

Ham Ham, I have lots of holiday time coming to me so hopefully this weekend we will start to put the photos up and write up a trip report. ; If I can remember everything we did.

Nice picture NorthernMouse. ; Thanks for sharing.
Awww...how great is THAT?!?

It's so nice to be able to meet face to face with people who you talk to almost every day, isn't it? ; :)