Disneyland welcomes Monorail Maroon

The more I look at it, the more I like it. I think the striping looks 'odd' when your mind only has the same monorail for decades, but.....

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i like the look. very retro-startrek...
MUCH better than the yellow nemo monorail.
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
That is AWESOME! I wonder when we might see the Mark VIII's arrive in WDW.

When one catches on fire (again)? WDW's fleet is younger than DL's, so I'm not sure if they are planning on this being the beginning of a long replacement program, or just a necessity to keep the attraction open at DL.
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"Tim" said:
i like the look. very retro-startrek...
MUCH better than the yellow nemo monorail.

I like that monorail! (liked, is it still there??)
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If WDW gets new monorails I doubt they would look like that. I think the reason that they look so different is that they are styled after the first DL monorails so if Florida gets new ones I doubt they would look like that.
it has a very Bob Gurr look to it. The more I look at it, the more I like it.
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Well, according to Al Lutz, they've figured out what happened with Maroon, and that means they'll be able to get all three of the trains up and running by year's end.

Apparently the 1980's redo had some problems, and so they reconfigured the chassis at the beam, but someone forgot to update the "official" blueprints of the monorail. WDI gave the train company the "official" blueprints, sans the chassis reconfiguration.

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