Disneyland Ghost Stories - got any?


dolly's dip:

On the matterhorn there are 2 tracks, on the track next to the sub lagoon or auto, on the drop by the water fall, is known as dolly's dip. They call it that because a lady died on that dip because seh took off her seat belt, and when the bobsled went down it flung her up and on top of the track above thema nd another bobsled sliced her in two. Some say that they have seen her walking the track and that she sometimes messes w/ the yetties.

hamburger boy:

Remember the people movers? As chessy as it was you know you loved it. Well for most teenagers, they need to seek thrill. One day a boy( about 17 or so) decided he was going to jump from car to car. Well in doing so he slipped and fell on to the track, luckily it was the end of the people mover train/car/wahtever, but another one came,ran him over ,and grinded his body into hamburger meat all the way up to his head .

america sings( i dono what to label this one as)

america sings (now innoventions) has spinning walls , and the cast member had to go from scene to scene between these. One day a cast member wasn't so lucky and she got squished between them, and to this day there is a plaque dedicated to her under innoventions in the tunnels backstage. Its said that if tommorrow ever looks at you directly in the eyes its becasue of her, cus she programmed to do that .