Disney won't let MTV Shoot Party

Ham Ham

I don't know what to say. How many vacations could you get out of 150K USD?

Click on headline for ocresort.freedomblogging.com
Disney denies filming of $150,000 quinceanera by MTV
May 7th, 2009, 5:52 pm · ; posted by Adam Townsend, Staff Writer

A La Palma woman says she’s angry with Disneyland for refusing to allow MTVtr3s cameras to tape in the Disneyland Hotel this June her daughter’s $150,000 quinceañera, a coming-of-age party celebrating a girl’s 15th birthday.

Disney officials say that the issue is clear-cut — the mother, Marilin Vargas, 46, signed a contract a year ago without mentioning any taping for broadcast.
