Sometimes it is way too easy to see all the negative in the world. ; I think it comes from watching the Late Night News too often. ; So to get this back on track to the positive side of things... ; On a recent trip I was resort hopping from Kidani (via Animal Kingdom). ; A previous hop had dropped me off on the "C" side with the other resort on the "A" side (or something like that - where I had to basically walk up to the entrance and back again). ; This time I asked the Bus Driver if he would drop me off at the other Resorts stop on his way out. ; As luck would have it, that was the resort the bus was being rerouted to. ; After I finished Resort Hopping, I made my way back to the bus and had the same driver. ; We picked up a couple of passengers, ; one mother and daughter spoke very little english but wanted to go Mini-Golfing. ; The bus was not one to Typhoon Lagoon (as it was closed for refurbishment) but the Driver took a detour to make sure the family made it to Mini-Golf without have to change buses and getting lost. ; Sure, it took fifteen minutes out of my ; otherwise relaxing day, but I am sure it made that mother's day.