Disney raising ticket prices for second time in less than a year
By Jason Garcia, Orlando Sentinel
June 11, 2011
Walt Disney World announced Friday that it is raising ticket prices — by more than 10 percent in at least one case — in the resort's second round of price increases in less than a year.
Effective Sunday, the base price of a one-day ticket will rise from $82 to $85 before tax, an increase of 3.7 percent.
For the complete article... ; http://www.orlandosentinel.com/the-daily-disney/os-disney-raises-ticket-prices-20110611,0,6367384.story
By Jason Garcia, Orlando Sentinel
June 11, 2011
Walt Disney World announced Friday that it is raising ticket prices — by more than 10 percent in at least one case — in the resort's second round of price increases in less than a year.
Effective Sunday, the base price of a one-day ticket will rise from $82 to $85 before tax, an increase of 3.7 percent.
For the complete article... ; http://www.orlandosentinel.com/the-daily-disney/os-disney-raises-ticket-prices-20110611,0,6367384.story