Disney Photopass


Do you ever order any pictures?
It is $14.95 for one picture.

I do love the pictures they offer but its so expensive.
I was thinking maybe I would make a mug but it comes to $30usd.
We ordered th cd on our first trip (although it was only 99.99 then) and we will be ordering the cd again this time - since we received a 20%off card for it. I would never order the pictures individually.

The only reason we will get the cd, is to get the photo's of us as a family - and some of the character photo's with DS are much better than with our camera
Boo I ordered 3 pictures as I only have a few to chose from. It came to $30 as there was a promo.
I want to order more. It expires soon...but the promo now is only 20% off. It so expensive!