Disney News

Beauty and the Beast 3D Delayed
Disney’s plan to remaster Beauty and the Beast for a 3D theatrical re-release next year has been pushed back indefinitely. And the main reason cited was that they didn’t want to jump on the 3D home release market with converted older releases just yet.
People need to buy more 3D TVs before they invest in converting the film for theaters and eventually for DVD release.
The Burbank studio remains keen on re-releasing extra-dimensional versions of its animated classics. But the delay with “Beauty” — to 2012 or later — is simply the Burbank studio’s acknowledgment that it needs to give consumers more time to buy into the home-3D transition.
After all, converting pics to 3D costs $15 million or so per movie and theatrical prospects are limited for any re-release. So the campaign is really all about the eventual release of “Toy Story 3D,” “Beauty and the Beast 3D” and other converted animated features on Blu-ray disc.
So they are holding off on converting it to 3D until they see if the 3D Tv boom actually happens.
Sure, its no big deal to get these mega cinema chains to dish out the cash and ask a bit more for a ticket, but its an entirely different market to start putting out movies in 3D that will only work on 3D TVs!

Disney Pixar Withdraw from the Annie Awards
Disney Pixar have decided that they have no desire to participate in the ASIFA, and therefore have removed themselves from the running for the prestigious Annie Awards – the top honour in Animation Awards.
Seems this all comes from a controversy in 2008 when Wall-E lost out to Kung Fu Panda in a landslide decision. And it wasn’t a bitterness that made them walk. It was something deeper than that.
Seems closer investigation into the voting process appears that CEO Jeffrey Katenberg had personally paid for ASIFA memberships (the orgnaization that gives out the Annies) for his employees with the agreement that they would vote for the company team.

Toy Story 3 Gets To 1 Billion
Toy Story 3 gets to $1 billion dollars grossed worldwide. It will also make Disney, the first studio in history to have two movies surpass this feat in the same year. A few weeks ago, Toy Story 3 passed Finding Nemo as Pixar’s highest grossing film ever.
CinemaBlend reports:
By the end of today, Toy Story 3 will have earned more than a billion dollars worldwide. In fact, it’ll be the second Disney film this year to do so, making Disney the first movie studio in history to release two billion dollar pictures in a single year. Alice in Wonderland was the other one, having accomplished the feat earlier this year.
I’m really glad that Toy Story 3 reached this milestone (not so much for Alice in Wonderland). Pixar just keeps delivering movie after movie. Toy Story 3 is easily, one of the best movies this year (the other one being Inception). It should win the Animated category, and it should at least, be nominated also for Picture of the Year at the Oscars.