Disney Giving Verizon Wireless Love?


Just watched a TV spot for Verizon at MK. I wasn't aware Disney and Verizon were friends, nor do I remember Disney taking part in commercials like this (for other companies).
They've been working together for a while. ; You have to have a verizon phone to get the official wait times app that you see in the commercial. ;

While I can't think of any commercials for other companies like this one, there may have been some like it when Delta was the official airline of WDW
After ESPN Mobile and Disney Mobile folded, Disney ended up going with Verizon for their official app. ; I'll bet that once that contract is up it won't be renewed, unless the rumors are true for this summer.
if you had wings (eastern airlines) and dreamflight (delta) were where buzz lightyear SRS is currently located.
Now that could be an interesting ride - a wee bit more exciting than 'If You Had Wings'. ; Wonder how they'd make the smoke monster?
FYI... That Disney/Verizon App is AWESOME! ; I had downloaded it prior to my Spring vacation. ; At one point I was eating lunch in Camp Minnie-Mickey checked the app to see if Pocahontas was out at Rafiki's (wasn't going to head over there otherwise) and it said she was actually in Camp Minnie-Mickey. ; I took my trash to the bin, looked up and Pocahontas was right there. ; Now sure, I would have seen her when I left the area, but it was at the tail end of her visit and I might have missed a photo op.
The only problem for this commercial is the Dad takes off for Dumbo and heads for Adventureland - if he wanted to go the quickest way to Dumbo he should go straight...that'd be a pretty funny commercial!
at least they could keep the Tropical Polar Bears @ Animal Kingdom (if they wanted to cross promote in multiple parks). ; They could make a "Lost" playground in DHS, and change the video on "Soarin" for Epcot and then have "Carousel of Progress" sponsored by the Dharma Initiative.
"Roger" said:
I'll bet that once that contract is up it won't be renewed, unless the rumors are true for this summer.

I hope it isn't renewed... I would love for Disney to issue an official app with wait times, etc for the iphone
"ddindy" said:
What, you haven't tried Lines?

I haven't tried that one, but its like all of the other apps for the iphone... the wait times are based on user inputs and algorithms. ; I tried one of those when I was there in January and it was way off most of the time. ; The Verizon app is the only one that is tied into Disney's real-time wait times
I tried "lines" when I was there in April and the times were pretty accurate. Since I don't have an iphone, this was the only option I knew of for me(we are on Sprint). ; Since it required internet access, I was not able to access it all the time depending on service.
Well, the question would then arise as to would disney make the app available to the iPhone if/when Verizon gets the iPhone. ; Like I said before, it is well worth the $10/6 months.
"RedOctober25" said:
Well, the question would then arise as to would disney make the app available to the iPhone if/when Verizon gets the iPhone. ; Like I said before, it is well worth the $10/6 months.

I was going to say that I didn't see why they wouldn't, but then it occurred to me that they probably can't restrict the app to just Verizon users. ; If that's the case, then the question becomes will the make the app for the iPhone knowing that AT&T users would be able to use it as well. ; If they have some sort of contract with Verizon that limits that app to Verizon users only, then they may not be able to make the app if they can't restrict it based on phone service.