While taking some shots last week prior to Illuminations I noticed some "spots" on the side of the frame. ; Thinking that the lens was dirty I cleaned that off. That did not do the trick. ; It was my second to last day at WDW and I was planning of the last day being camera free, I figured I would wait to get home to try to rememdy it. ; I have since looked at the sensor and can see "stuff" on it. ; My question is, can I clean this myself? ; Do many of you regularly clean your sensors? ; What do ; I use if I am to do it myself? ; Any help please?
Here is an example of what the "spots" look like, you will have little trouble finding them on the right side of the frame.

Sensor Dirt by jbwolffiv, on Flickr
Here is an example of what the "spots" look like, you will have little trouble finding them on the right side of the frame.

Sensor Dirt by jbwolffiv, on Flickr