David duChemin 7 Book Bundle Deal


Hi Gang,

Just wanted to make you aware of a great deal on a 7 eBook David duChemin package available now for only $19 using coupon code DAVID19 at ; Craft and Vision

I have been an affiliate with Craft and Vision for sometime now and think they provide a a good resource at a great value. I have reviewed many of their ebooks on my My Blog and believe what they provide can help with the more creative side of your photography process. ; As David duChemin often says, Gear is Good, Vision is better!

The books are in PDF format and can be read on your computer or iPad. ; New releases are usually $4 when first released.

(Note: As an affiliate I do make a small percentage on any sales using the above link ; or via my basic affiliate link)
Thanks for posting this Paul. I just downloaded all 7 of these & from the first look at them, I think they will definitely benefit me.
Thanks Leo. ; I think you will enjoy David's writing style and his perspective on nurturing our creative side rather than strictly focusing on gear. ;

Glad you provided feedback because I don't get any info detailing who buys via my link. ; Enjoy!
From some of what I've looked at so far, I like the practical method he uses for presenting the material. Every topic seems to be approached with a casual approach that is easy to grasp. I will enjoy these immensely.

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