Cup on the trek


Staff member
<img src="" />
may i be so bold as to offer up a couple of ideas
1, maybe crop or move the cup off center, ideally it would have been off the the left, what i was thinking (can i stop now, my brain hurts), was that i would try having the jagged wall edge lead down to the cup from upper right corner to lower left, that's a natural way to draw the eyes of the viewer to the main subject, you can't help but follow the contrast edge down to the cup
2. as an aid to this make the red brick more saturated and/or the yellow more faded and smaller in size, more red tone on the brick makes the cup stand out more with that nice blue tone
3, now i know you are wondering why i just didn't post my own mod to show this
a. i don't quite know how to do this much yet in ps
b. i don't like to mod another's work without explicit permission
c. if i was any lazier i'd slip into a coma
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Gary, I'll have to pull out the ol' CR2 file and play around in bibble.

I remember I didn't like the angle where I shot it from as...there were guests loitering there for a long time.
my take...