Crowded balcony! Where am I? (SOLVED)


Staff member
OK...haven't tried one in a while since my last batch got used up. ; I searched around my regular photos to see if I could find a few more.

This very busy and crowded balcony would be found where?

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Re: Crowded balcony! Where am I?

Hmmm...did the sun just come out of the clouds? ; Has the summer kicked out the winter? ; It's warmed up a bit in here!
Re: Crowded balcony! Where am I?

Nope...not quite. ; Nice try though! ; The sun reference wasn't a clue - more my attempt at having fun with saying 'getting warm'. ; Keep searching!
Re: Crowded balcony! Where am I?

its on the corner right near the aladdin's magic carpets... ; you can see a hint of the agrabah bazaar thru the slats.
Ding Ding Ding! ; Tim's got it! ; It is indeed right on the side of Zanzibar Shell, facing the Aladdin's carpets:


Congrats Tim...I never even had to start the clues. ; Craig honed in on the right neighborhood, and you slam dunked the location!
Funny thing is I sat just to the left of that corner one day to shoot this & didn't even remember that balcony now. I need to pay more attention to details.
