Countdown to Christmas


Only 37 more sleeps until Christmas everyone!!

Is anyone ready or has started to get ready for Christmas?

Did anyone on the board wait outside for a PS3? ; There were quite a few people at the Walmart where we live last night.
I have one of hubby's gifts picked up (I ordered it a while ago,and it came in this week) and another one I will grab on Saturday.

I know what we are getting my mom, just have to find one that we like...........and I have started on my nieces and nephew, but only have 1 thing..........

My goal is to get it all done by November 30.........
We started our shopping... by getting tickets to bring my parents and brother to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra. ; Other than that, all my prep is theoretical right now. ; The tree should be going up in a couple of weeks... I'm starting to figure out what baking I'm going to do and when... and I'm keeping an eye out for 'gift inspiration' ;)
I started shopping while at my conference in Buffalo. ; I managed to get lots of stuff for the kids and a couple of things for my DW.

She has also been picking up things for the kids....
Ok, that is nuts, one more month!!! ; I guess we better get cracking.

Actually Sean and I offically started our Christmas shopping last night. ; No complete gifts, but a start for sure.

My hardest gift to buy this year...Sean for sure!!!

Who is the person that you always find the hardest to shop for?
I find my husband the hardest to shop for - because he will just go buy something if he sees it and wants it (even though I probably already bought it for him) It has taken me quite a few years to get him to stop shopping about 6 weeks before Christmas.........

I find my in-laws difficult also because they have everything that they want...........I leave their gift ideas up to hubby.....
Eeep! ; 1 month?!?! ; How'd THAT happen?

Our hardest to shop for? ; Ummm... DH's whole family *laugh*

His brother will buy anything he wants when he sees it.
His SIL is just hard to shop for... a little unpredictable in her likes/dislikes.
His neice is 3 and very girly... I don't know how to deal with girlie *laugh*
His nephew is probably one of the easier ones to shop for... and we've actually had his gift since June this year!
His parents... they've got everything they want

So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that we've got gifts for my family (one fell swoop... we're taking all 3 of them to a show/concert next week) and his nephew... and no-one else!
I find my dad the hardest to shop for. He tends to be a rather picky person with things. That and he is an electronics buff so there is no way that I or my siblings are likely to be able to afford those big ticket items on his wish list. Plus he tends to buy them for himself.

Easiest person this year turned out to be my brother, found him a book entitled "That's Dangerous". Yes it is a kid's book, and my brother is 28. But if you ever have a chance to flip through it, it is hilarious (to me), although I don't know if it is actually that appropriate for kids.
Just started my shopping this week at the Disney Store. By the way there is a big sale today Nov 24 they have things marked down 25-40%. All the pirate stuff is 40% off and christmas stuff is 25%. I purchased PJ's and sweatshirts for everyone. My son 4 is getting a Buzz Lightyear which comes with a spaceship and landrover. I'm hoping santa brings me the Neil Gabler book on Walt Disney. My daughter is nine in two weeks and she wants all electronics, game boy, mp3 player etc. Not quite to the PS3 level yet (thank God).
Well as of this week, we have pretty much everyone bought for. ; Most of our presents have to be sent back east. Of course we will be standing at the post office line for who knows how long because of our delay in buying gifts. ; I just have one more person to buy for...Sean! ; He keeps saying he knows what he wants...I ask him...and then he says he is not going to tell. ; How am I supposed to get him things he wants if I don't know what they are? ; I am worried that his Xmas won't be as awesome as it should be if I don't get what he wants and guess wrong. ;
Geez, Sean! ; At least give the poor girl a hint! *laugh*

I hope you two have an awesome "first Christmas as marrieds"!

We're a bit closer to being done our shopping... we've got one gift to get that's out-of-stock at the usual suppliers, so that could be interesting... and really only 1 idea for my in-laws (and we're not 100% sold on that, but they're not being helpful with ideas, either)... and then there's Dave. ; I've got not clue for him, so sadly it's looking a lot like the poor boy will end up with clothes of some kind this year *sigh*
Yikes!!! ; It is getting so close. ; Still have to get Sean's gift!! ; I have ideas, but nothing concrete. ; Although sometimes I love shopping at the last minute so I have a feeling that is what I will be doing this year. ; Last weekend we spent all weekend getting the rest of the gifts for the family to ship off to opposite ends of the country. ; We were so busy trying to get things wrapped up and shipped off. ; Hopefully this weekend will be a bit calmer. ; I am going to attempt the family fudge this weekend. ; I can't wait. ; I hope it turns out as good as last year. ; We decorated our tree on Wednesday night so that is done. ; The tree looks fantastic. ; Eventually i will take a picture and maybe even post it.

Hope everyone else's weekend is filled with holiday cheer!!!
Wa-hoo! ; All but one (well, two people) of the gifts have been got and wrapped... half my baking is done... the tree is up (still not decorated though *sigh*)... tomorrow I'm spending the day cleaning and reorganizing so that Sunday I can do the tree and on my day off next Wednesday I can finish up all the baking.

Now if only that last gift was in-hand.....
Well... just two more sleeps. ;

I can't believe I even have all my wrapping done. ; I'm usually a Christmas Eve shopper and wrapper!!!