A writers opinion on staying on site.
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Universal wins the on-site hotel stakes, but Disney is a close runner up
February 19, 9:27 PM
by Barbara Nefer, Orlando Getaways Examiner
Both Disney and Universal offer major perks for guests who stay in their onsite hotels. From free transportation to the theme parks to special ways that maximize ride time, each of the Orlando behemoths has tempting offers to lure guests to their on-site accommodations. While both have good benefits, I have to give Universal the edge. Here's my comparison and why they win the on-site hotel stakes by a nose.
Click on headline for full article at examiner.com
Universal wins the on-site hotel stakes, but Disney is a close runner up
February 19, 9:27 PM
by Barbara Nefer, Orlando Getaways Examiner
Both Disney and Universal offer major perks for guests who stay in their onsite hotels. From free transportation to the theme parks to special ways that maximize ride time, each of the Orlando behemoths has tempting offers to lure guests to their on-site accommodations. While both have good benefits, I have to give Universal the edge. Here's my comparison and why they win the on-site hotel stakes by a nose.