Cinderella Castle Suite!!


Hi everyone,

My friend works at CBC on the Steven and Chris Show and he said that they filmed a segment about the Cinderella Castle Suite yesterday. It's going to be on TV this Friday. I don't think many people have seen the inside of the suite (myself included) so I think it's pretty cool that we finally get to see it. And since there's a storm coming, we can stay home and watch it! :)
According the the CBC website, Chris and Steven are hosting the Cdn version of the Disney Christmas parade ... I don't see the connection! ; :D
I wonder if Steve & Chris will be in costume as their favorite princesses?

Thanks! ; I haven't seen the show before, but I've seen these guys in commercials, and they really look and sound like they'd host a fantastic show. ; Not sure if my day will allow a break at 2 (booking lots of last minute getaways - even clients doing their shopping with me for "gift certificate" travel gifts), but I'll certainly do my best to catch it! ; Appreciate it!
remembered to watch it live - it was great! ; My two girls are now off school, so they watched too. ; They loved it - almost as much as the references to Biddibi Bobbidi Boutique - my DD9's favourite place!