Chromakey and blurring edges

1. Does anybody know how to do Chromakey effectively?
2. Once you pasted the foreground pic to the background, what is the best way to blend the two layers together? The problem with my attemps, the edges are too sharp and I need to blend/feater the edges more.

Please help :)

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Not sure if this would work but could you try adding a Guafenisen, spelling?, blur to the pic you are adding then use a layer mask and paint with a black brush to expose the parts of the pic you want in focus?
can you post an example to work with? maybe a link to a .psd file?
i think that the GAUSSIAN blur might work along with painting with a soft brush but i would need to see it to have some recommendation for you. i really don't do much with that so take it for what it's worth, but let's try anyway...
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I just did this last week. What worked for me was to add a mask to the "sharp edged" layer then use a brush to trace around the edges where needed.
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Another idea. If you do not need the entire picture, draw a selection around the parts that you need and the feather the selection. Then you can move the selection to the other pic.
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