christmas at fort wilderness campground


we absolutely have to have an official pixelmania meet at the campground at night next year, maybe informal gathering for supper at trails end and then a 100-400 loop meet. here i lead off with proof that rudolph really does have a red nose

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thanks, and here i present one of the first sites you see as you move away from pioneer hall, this is on the corner of the 100 loop.

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You might be onto something here, g-money. ; You had me at trails end. ;
Sounds like a plan. ; We went there for a great supper at Trails end and I couldn't believe how much Christmas was at the campgrounds.
Awesome golf cart! ; I actually wanted to make it this past time, but got all caught up trying to wedge in a dinner, and by the time I cleared Downtown Disney, it was 10pm and I figured I missed everyone.
we never did go there post ak pre-meet, several of us had to feed the hunger at raglan road, so my fort wilderness was on my own post pixelmania, actually on 12/7/09, my last night at the world, i flew home early the next night, but fort wilderness is worth official pixelmania time, it's straight up tripod, iso 100, timed shutter work
another from the 100/200 loop areas, these are those camping spots on your left as you walk up towards pioneer hall from the boat dock

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