canon s95

I did a little bit of searching and couldnt find a post about this wonderful camera. its an HD video (720p) upgrade form the s90, but it is amazing. I own a 5d Mark2 but obviously thats a big weight and alot of liability hanging on your back all day. the s95 has a f2, shoots in manual tv, av, etc modes. has a great low light mode that has very low grain, and shoots raw, best of all it fits in your pocket!!!! ... hots95.asp everyone who has tried it loves it. its basically a G10 but so much smaller! and a better F stop!
its smaller then my cell phone. I have taken side by side photographs with it and my mark2 and while my trained eye sees differences in range of tonality but my wife cant tell the difference usually. I have even printed (cropped even) photos from it at 16x20 and they look great. you can see examples of its power here alot of the photos i just went back and re edited were taken with the s90, and then the upgraded s95 (the only difference really is texture on the camera and hd video option) some are from my old nikons but id say most are from the s95.
I love knowing ill get great shots and not worry about super expensive cameras getting smashed on spacemountain. anyone else using this beauty?
I don't have an S95 but I have one of it's larger cousins, the SX230HS, and one of it's smaller cousins, the SD1400IS. Both are excellent little cameras, pocket-sized, and packed with features, but the SX230HS is the best P&S camera I've ever used.

What sold me on it, besides the excellent reviews on its low light performance, was the control interface - it has a Mode Dial very similar to a DSLR, with P, Av, Tv, and M modes, as well as some Creative Zone stuff. The ability to control exposure parameters the same way I do on my DSLR was the #1 selling point for me when I bought it, replacing the SD1400IS which I had only had for about 9 months. And it's got GPS, too, though I haven't even tried that feature once.

I carry it with me every day, in my pocket.
I had a chance to play around with this camera recently, and I definitely agree. It's crazy how point and shoots have evolved, even since around 2008!
I have aa g10 to go along with my 1d4 and 5d2 and now you have me interested. ; Gotta look into this one. ;

sent from my htc thunderbolt ;
I dont mean to be pushy off the bat but i would strongly suggest you sell those two on ebay and buy one of these! the sx23 you got looks like a great super zoom but with the image quality from the s95, im able to crop and still blow up images quite large without any distortion or noise in the prints.
this is actually a pretty cropped in photo, about 50% cut out and it still looks great printed 16x20 ... hotostream

This is on the low light setting, there is a little more noise here then a normal photo, but as you well know, its CRAZY dark on the pirates ride. I was shocked how bright, colorful and detailed these were. also remember im on a moving boat! so long exposures of any kind are out of the question. I have tried to recreate the same photo myself in manual settings just pumping iso etc and it always looks worse, i dont know what it does! ... /lightbox/

Everyone asks me what point and shoot they should buy if they want just great photos every time, and ive told them all this. Got my mother in law one for christmas and she loves it, doesnt take it off auto but it still exceeds every other camera they own (including more expensive superzoom)

I have used and was very interested in the bigger G series but as far as i can tell, this does everything they can do except the hotshoe flash. With f2.0 though, and that awesome lowlight setting, ive found i usually dont need flash.

ALSO last thing before im done ranting, i got this sweet case for it and everyone thinks im usin a leica ... 614wt_1396

"WillCAD" said:
I don't have an S95 but I have one of it's larger cousins, the SX230HS, and one of it's smaller cousins, the SD1400IS. Both are excellent little cameras, pocket-sized, and packed with features, but the SX230HS is the best P&S camera I've ever used.

What sold me on it, besides the excellent reviews on its low light performance, was the control interface - it has a Mode Dial very similar to a DSLR, with P, Av, Tv, and M modes, as well as some Creative Zone stuff. The ability to control exposure parameters the same way I do on my DSLR was the #1 selling point for me when I bought it, replacing the SD1400IS which I had only had for about 9 months. And it's got GPS, too, though I haven't even tried that feature once.

I carry it with me every day, in my pocket.
My wife's Canon is the SD1400 IS, and although it is similar to the s95, the s95 still comes out on top. ; This camera for her though is a perfect match for what she does, and takes awesome photos. ; The s95 would be the one that I got for me, but I have other aspirations at the moment.
I'm firmly in the geezer camp here, and fully expecting a lot of rebuttals from you kids, but if it doesn't have an optical viewfinder, it's not a real camera. ; Smashed up against my face is always steadier than hanging at the end of two shaky poles (i.e. arms).
A valid point, Dennis. ; I don't particularly care for.viewfinder shooting but its not a make or break point for me. ;

sent from my htc thunderbolt ;
I hear ya, as someone trained in film, and even having used 8x10 cameras before as well as having developed tintype. but ... /lightbox/ ITS PITCH BLACK IN HERE! and im IN A MOVING BOAT!
I occasionally miss the viewfinder but never for a stability issue.

"ddindy" said:
I'm firmly in the geezer camp here, and fully expecting a lot of rebuttals from you kids, but if it doesn't have an optical viewfinder, it's not a camera. ; Smashed up against my face is always steadier than hanging at the end of two shaky poles (i.e. arms).
A perfect example showing that it's the end result that is most important, not the equipment used to get there. ; Good work.
"ddindy" said:
I'm firmly in the geezer camp here, and fully expecting a lot of rebuttals from you kids, but if it doesn't have an optical viewfinder, it's not a real camera. ; Smashed up against my face is always steadier than hanging at the end of two shaky poles (i.e. arms).

Your "camera" is going the way of the old player will be joining the no-OVF interchangable lens crowd soon enough, and #3 already basically has said they see a near future without one on all of their cameras. ; Oh there will still be a place to put your eye, but it won't be OVF.....

I think the two main players will make them for a long time to come, just like they still make, for a price[nb]I see the EOS-1V is $1700, and the Nikon F6 is $2449....[/nb], cameras that use "film".
Now that's just crazy talk, Roger. ; The next thing you'll tell me is that my 5" floppies are outdated. :)
I saw a different article on the M-disc. ; Apparently, while the recording method is good for a thousand years, the disks themselves still have their weaknesses.

My favorite author, Douglas Adams, wrote an essay about technology in 1999 (How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet) in which he nicely summarizes how we look at things:

1) everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal;

2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it;

3) anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.