"zackiedawg" said:
Honestly compared to other mirrorless systems, this one sort of underwhelms me. ;
Justin, after you mentioned this it dawned on me.
I really hope that this wasn't an attempt to put an underwhelming camera on the market, just to say "There you go. ; Mirrorless. ; Happy now?" and then cancel the whole thing when sales disappoint. ; While it's hard to believe that a company would do such a thing, it's possible.
It's just usually a gamble to someone's employment, even if the direction is coming from someone higher up.
I need to find that quote. ; Reuters report on this release is more telling. ; Mirrorless has 1/3 of the SLR market in Japan, only 10% stateside, and that I think is because the camera manufacturers were successful in selling the notion that you had to have an SLR to take good pics of your family. ; Meanwhile they see their P&S business failing due to cell phone cameras.
I think we've seen the shift, and that shift is more and more focus on the art, which includes post-processing and HDR. ; Time to wax nostalgic about shooting positive film, and bracketing exposures! ;
Son, in my day, we used Photoshop 1.0.7, and we liked it! ; There was never a need for more than 2 colors - white and black! ; And you got photos into the system by taking those prints, and putting them on a scanner. ; It took hours to scan a photo into our lovely Mac running OS VI, and we liked it! ; A few years later, we could scan the negatives directly in a scanner, and it only took 15 minutes to scan a single one! ; In color! ; Imagine that, you could process your trip photos (uhh let's see 60 rolls of film, x36 exposures, uhhhh) with only 540 hours worth of work! ; Now you young wippersnappers think you can process 3000 photos in a weekend.
Get off my lawn! ; Before I go find some toxic film developing chemicals....