Canon 16-35 f/2.8 versus 17-40 f/4


Now that I got that pesky camera body decision out of the way, I need to decide on my next lens. ; Right now I have:

24-105 f/4
70-200 f/2.8
50mm f/1.8
1.4x tele
(also EF-S 17-85)

I'm looking for something wide of course and I'm trying to decide between the 16-35 and the 17-40. ; Any thoughts? Other suggestions?
16-35 2.8, and i have and think the world of the 17-40. but i just had this discussion with tim, that af system on the mk3, with the full frame sensor and native iso of 25,600 really almost makes it 2.8 across the bag, to get the full use of out that body. i hate to go back to that weight in the bag, but this also brings into play having a 3 lens travel bag. 16-35,24-105,70-200
if you go to the 24-70 it's a heavier bag, but that's 2.8 all the way. maybe rent the 17-40 for a trip or something where you could give it the full range for a buch of shots, then rent the 16-35 preferably shooting the same subjects and same lighting and compare the 2, then if you really feel the 2.8 is the one, get that.
now having said that, i won't be changing out my 17-40 yet, i need to try some high iso low light stuff first, if the image quality keeps me happy, such as not having to noise process a lot, then i'll stand on that lens. processing time comes into play for me sometimes on gear decisions. and since i already have the 17-40 it makes it more of a subjective decision for me.
Thanks gary leaning towards the 16-35. ; I'm not opposed to selling the 24-105 either if the new 24-70 being released in a couple of months turns out to be a solid lens.