I've only ever been to Toronto twice, and that was just passing through, so I can't say I've ever been there.
Around these parts, the seasonal amusement park is Calaway Park. It used to be alright, way back when it first opened and half of it had a Flintstones theme. I also spent many a childhood summer in the Okanagan Valley visiting the Bedrock City park there, so it was nice to have a local variation.
Unfortunately, it's deteriorated a lot since then. The Flintstones licence is gone, though much of the theming remains. The haunted house - originally based on the Frankenstones - has gone to total pot. In the mean time, it seems like all the rides are based on the idea that spinning around in a circle really fast is AWESOEM!!1!
When I make my first billion, I totally want to buy the damn thing and fix it up as a Canada-themed park. Kinda' like EPCOT but with rides. That don't all spin in circles.