Can I do it?


I was just looking at my stats and noticed that I am up to 490 posts. ; Can I get to 500 by the end of today or tomorrow? ; I believe I can. ; With all the great members that have joined the boards, you are making it easy for me to share my thoughts. ; Keep up the great work and hopefully I will make 500 post really soon.

With this post it is now 491 ;D
Get those fingers flying!


The above image gives me the willies.
LOL. ; Yes that image is a bit creepy.

Good thing that work is a bit slower today for me...thankfully. ; I finally get to play catch up on stuff that has been sitting on my desk since September.
Minnie what are you talking about?? Your only at 10 posts ; ::) ; :P
Hey...I was up to 496 posts when I left work yesterday. ; That is a dirty trick Sean. ; So I guess I will have to keep track in my head for now. ; Oh's not in my head that this makes post 497:-)
It took some convincing for Sean to put my posts back up to the actual count :P, but I believe this post will be 501. ; Yay!! ; You all have made it so easy to reach the 500 mark.