Camera Trigger App


Saw this today and am intrigued. ; Anyone every try an app like this?


I like all the different modes you can use.
That's an interesting set up. ; And at $33.94 ($9.99 for the App and $23.95 for the cable) the price isn't bad either. ; My only concern with it is battery life on the phone. ; If this thing keeps the screen on, it will drain the iPhone battery faster than it would drain the larger intervalometer remotes. ; Although that may not be a problem unless you're shooting really long time lapses. ; The distance function and the sound trigger could be useful though.
Howie, iOS apps should work on both iPhone and iPad unless they were specifically designed for one or the other. ; I don't know how well your iPad will work with some features, as your iPad doesn't have GPS built into it. ; I would try the free version of the app first, but you'll still need the dongle and cable.

edit- iPad is mentioned on the dongle page- CLICK HERE

So, by me estimation, it's 9.99 for the dongle, 19.99 for the camera cable, and 9.99 for the app?
"HW" said:
so it needs gps too? oh well

I couldn't find anything specific on the website about it, but I would assume that the lack of GPS would only mean that the motion trigger and the distance lapse function wouldn't work on the iPad. ; Those are the only two functions that appear to require the GPS. ;
Will be looking for a review from you on this Scott. I think I will download the free version just to toy around with it using the in phone camera.
"HW" said:
so it needs gps too? oh well
From what I have gathered certain functions will require that you have an iPhone. ; If you have an iPod Touch or an iPad you can still use the app, just certain features will not work ie. the GPS and such.

I am almost 100% sold on this so I will let you know how it goes if and when I grab it.
The Wi-Fi only iPad doesn't have GPS, but the WiFi/cell version does, even if you don't have it connected to a cell network.
I was seriously considering using the app as a trigger for my D70s for some train shots but when I tried downloading it on my old iPhone 3, I found out that it only works on phones with iOS 5 and the iPhone 3 won't let me upgrade above iOS 4.3. Back to the drawing board...