Camera Strap suggestions


Staff member
I know Roger likes his Op-Tech Pro Camera Strap, but does anyone else have any other suggestions?

Time to stock up before the next trip
uhhh actually I'm following Tim's footsteps now.

Nada. You should try it.
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I have been using a custom-made camera harness recently that's way more comfy than any simple neck strap I've ever tried.

I made the prototype by simply crossing two regular camera straps in an X-shape, then bringing the left ends together and the right ends together, winding up with a figure-8. The two left ends hook to the left side of the camera and the two right ends hook to the right side of the camera, with the X in the middle of my back. The overall effect is a lot like a shoulder holster, with the camera riding in the middle of my chest in about the normal position. But the harness distributes the weight evenly to both shoulders, not to the neck, making it more comfy to carry all day.

I later made a first pass at a custom version of the harness made from 2" nylon webbing, bought at the local fabric store. It worked pretty well, but I found that I needed to refine the design a bit. When I get it finalized, I'll put together a web page detailing the design, materials, and assembly in case anyone wants to try one themselves; materials cost me a total of less than $20.

That is exactly something that I'd be interested in. My neck gets sore after carrying a camera around it all day
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"rlongenbach" said:
uhhh actually I'm following Tim's footsteps now.

Nada. You should try it.
after over a week in Disney and Orlando, carrying my camera everywhere, I also found that carrying the camera in my hand was much less obtrusive and touristy than strapped around my neck. hand carrying it felt better and more natural in "real life". I still carried around my neck about 60% of the time, but I can see where one would get used to no strap flailing around , and almost pulling the camera off the table at every meal (I still rarely carry a bag).
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