Camera in housing survives 6 months at sea, sea turtle

The camera waded out into the shallows and stood, for three days and three nights, till all manner of sea creatures became acclimated to its presence. Then, on the fourth day, it roped itself a couple of sea turtles, lashed 'em together, and made a raft!

And what did the camera use for rope?

Cotton webbing. From my leash. - Prevaricators of the Caribbean: Cruise of the Red Nikon

Nope, sorry, not buyin' this one.

A) I can certainly believe that an object could float 1,100 miles on its own. But from Aruba to Key West? Past Jamaica, past the Cayman Islands, through the Yucatan Channel, AROUND the tip of Cuba, and against the prevailing currents in the Gulf of Mexico to the Keys? Nope. Not buyin' it.

B) A sea turtle accidentally got snagged on the camera and turned on the video function while thrashing to get it off? While it was inside a waterproof housing? Did this turtle have a degree from MIT? No way a turtle turned the camera on, set it to Video, and started the camera recording all by accident just from random thrashing.

C) Turtle tried to take a bit out of it, huh? Where's the beak mark?
Here's a link to a pic of the camera and housing themselves, on the "finder's" Webshots account:

D) According to the article, the video incident occurred two months after the camera was lost. So, a camera that was most likely turned on (but in sleep mode) when it was lost floated in tropical sunlight, inside a sealed plastic housing, for two months - and was not only not fried by the heat, but still had enough juice in the battery to record five minutes of turtle video? Not a chance.

E) And the guy who found it was actually able to track down the owner through a series of coincidental "Oh, I recognize that building! I recognize that plane number! I recognize those kids!" moments? Six billion people on Earth, probably one billion on the internet, and one of the kids' classmates' mothers just HAPPENS to come across the pics within TWO DAYS of them being posted? Coincidence? I think NOT!

In conclusion, I call a big B.S. on this whole story.
Re: Camera in housing survives 6 months at sea, se

All I can say after watching the video... I would definitely NOT hire that Sea Turtle as the Director of my next film. ; Seriously, the camera was all over the place, the sound was terrible, out of focus, etc. ; Someone needs to nominate this turtle for a Razzie.