Camera Differences


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Ok, so I was entering some of my bottle cap codes from Coke, and noticed that they have a contest entry for a 30D with the 18-55mm lens. I was wondering, besides the difference in screen size, and having 2 more focus points, what are the differences between the Rebel XT I have and the 30D? Is it a worthwhile upgrade? Is it still a crop body or a full frame? Thanks for the help. I just thought that since it wouldn't cost me anything beyond what I have already paid for a bottle of coke, I might enter this as much as I can and see what happens. Hey if I can win it and it only cost me the price of my normal drinks, then what the heck, right? Oh yeah, the other question is, will my XT lenses fit on the 30D? Thanks again.
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"PolynesianMedic" said:
Ok, so I was entering some of my bottle cap codes from Coke, and noticed that they have a contest entry for a 30D with the 18-55mm lens. I was wondering, besides the difference in screen size, and having 2 more focus points, what are the differences between the Rebel XT I have and the 30D? Is it a worthwhile upgrade?

30D adds a spot meter
30D can go up to 3200 ISO
30D can shoot at up to 1/8000 sec, 1/4000 for XT
30D can go up to 5 fps
30D has the Canon wheel - this makes it easier to use true manual mode compared to the Rebel series
30D is larger and may feel better in your hand
[sarcasm]30D has the very important and useful direct print button[/sarcasm]

Is it still a crop body or a full frame?
Same crop time! Same crop factor!

Oh yeah, the other question is, will my XT lenses fit on the 30D? Thanks again.

All EF lenses can be used on any Canon EOS SLR, film or digital. EF-S can only be used on the Rebel XT/Xti, 20D/30D/40D.

I guess if it was free it would be worthwhile. But a better upgrade would be to the 40D/5D (prob it's successor)
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it's worth a try if you are not any additional $, ie just what your usual beverage costs are

as a stand alone purchase i have never urged anyone to buy the 30d, even as an upgrade from the rebel, i have the 20d and never felt the 30 was enough to justify the purchase, it's always seemed to me that canon put it out becasue they were not far enough along the 5d/xti path and needed something to put on the market against some new nikons, kind of like out of sight/out of mind theory of marketing, in fact if you wanted to upgrade from the xt, try snagging a used 20d in good shape, less $ than a new 30d and it's a good camera, now the 40d, that's what i consider a major jump up for 20d/rebel owners and if i hadn't gone the ff route i'd be all over the 40d, in a couple of years when i've finished collecting the L's that i don't have but still want(135mm f/2) i'll be looking into the prosumer offerings for my backup, and crop telephoto body, mom may end up with the xti at that point
this may be a bit of an oversimplification but in baseball terms:

A- rebel family
AA- 20/30/40d family
AAA- 5d
Big Leagues- 1d family
"Tim" said:
this may be a bit of an oversimplification but in baseball terms:

A- rebel family
AA- 20/30/40d family
AAA- 5d
Big Leagues- 1d family

Whohoo!! I'm in the AA league! 8)
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"Tim" said:
this may be a bit of an oversimplification but in baseball terms:

A- rebel family
AA- 20/30/40d family
AAA- 5d
Big Leagues- 1d family

Ya know I think George Lepp would disagree with you there.