Camera at Halloween Horror Nights?

Anyone ever take their cameras to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios? ; My daughter has been wanting to go for the last several years and I'm finally relenting (she's 11 now...) but I've never been there before. ; Is it too dark and/or chaotic to really worry about carrying a dslr around? ; I couldn't find anything online but are there any rules against bringing them in attractions? ; Just wondering if anyone has been there- thx.
I don't know Jeff. ; I know that at least one ride has a locker right before the ride to remove everything from your pockets....but I think it's about the same rules as Disney.
it's pretty harsh and chaotic, the lighting is all rock and roll in your face, so's the sound level come to think of it, but i admit to a certain bias, did it once, would not repeat the experience even if the ticket were free
I haven't been over to the parks there at all, yet. ; I don't plan on doing the horror nights there either. ; I would be interested in seeing what you could get photo wise from there during the party. ; I look forward to hear about your decision, and if you go, I really look forward to the photos that you both get.
I can't imagine much of anything being too dark for a D700 and 1.4 lens. The big crowd, on the other hand... I'd be afraid of people knocking into it the whole time.
