Bye Sun Wheel!


Staff member

The Sun Wheel (face) has come down; the smiling sun face will be replaced by Mickey as part of the Extreme Home Makeover: Theme Park Edition renovation, transforming into Mickey's Fun Wheel.
I'm happy the actual wheel is not coming down. I loved getting that extended aerial view of the parks.

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That's a GREAT view!

Next time out there I guess I'll have to ride it.

On one of the still cars of course...

my husband and kids'll probably in one of the moving cars tho ;)
I chose the still car, for the sake of the photos. The cars have a mesh on them, but it was easy to poke my lens through, though on a DSLR it might be a little tougher.
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i'm just looking at that photo and the ones i have from the still car from may 2008, and trying to envision it as all nothing but parking lot, and lining up to take the monorail into the park, yes that's right the only park, as i last visited disneyland in 1978. quite a difference
I'm wondering if the lake is still drained. My sister-in-law sent me a picture last month where the entire lake was drained which made it look like a giant skate park
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It sure is; they're continuing work on the World of Color, and redoing the areas around the lagoon to use as a viewing area. (I've seen recent pics)
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