biblioadonis, here's my .02 worth
pick up a used entry level dslr, or see about a closeout of a prior model, i'll reference canon here, but only because, IT'S WHAT I KNOW', nikon makes fine gear and there are several on the forum who could guide you on their models
canon, good deals, a closeout rebe, iq, as good as the newer xti, just not as many features, skip the 10d, even at a great used price, the autofocus compared to 20d sucks, the reason i skipped it as an upgrade, another really good dslr to start with would be a used 20d, or even if budget allows a closeout 30d, when the 40d starts to actually show up in numbers, check keh and b&h frequently for offers/closeouts. i bought almost all my L lenses from keh, several of them used and have been very happy with their used rating system
if budget concerns are restrictive, get the latest used body you can afford, get the kit lens as a throw in, otherwise get canon's 35 f2 to start, gives normal fov on a crop sensor, is pretty cheap and gives a good picture to start out with
make all your future lens purchases, used L glass, in good shape, even if this means 1 lens every year or so, or if you think you will stay with a crop body for a few years, consider the 17-55 f2.8 IS, yes it's expensive, without a filter it can be a dust vacuum, BUT, it's one fine ef-s lens, it was my walk around lens for 2 weeks in europe, i got some very useable indoor church/museum available light pics and it would be a good wdw lens on a crop
REMEMBER: t-mip'ers believe in the long term value of good glass, and always, always, always put your biggest dollars into the glass, you'll never be sorry for that