Boardwalk at Night


Staff member
I realized I never pooled my Boardwalk night photos into a thread here in the Resorts board...especially having taken quite a few this past June trip. ; So, without further ado, here are all my Boardwalk at Night photos from June:













And one oldie from Dec 08:

I may not be staying there during Pixelmania unless a miracle comes through on the waitlist, but I still love heading out of Epcot at night to Boardwalk. ; And my ressie is at Saratoga, so it's just as easy to get back there from the Downtown Disney bus out of Boardwalk and just walk back to my room! ; So I'm looking forward to some night shooting time there again.
Nice shots Justin. I like the one with ESPN Club to the left of the frame best. The curvature of the Boardwalk w/ ESPN in the foreground give it some added depth.
Thank you. ; I was dead tired for that ESPN shot - not from lack of sleep, but from heat and humidity. ; It was almost midnight at the end of a very long, hot humid summer day, and the night wasn't any less hot. ; Plus, it had just rained, so humidity was just pegged...I'm walking around Epcot with a tripod setting up night shots, sweating up a storm, and then decided to snag that shot on the way back to my room. ; Glad it worked - the rain on the Boardwalk made it shine a bit. ; I'd like to try again with a wider lens now.
Excellent, excellent shots. ; If I recall, those were taken with the Sigma 30, right? ; That is some lens. ; The photographer is pretty good, too.
Thanks...yeah, most of those are with the Sigma 30mm - the handheld high ISO ones. ; The last 4 were tripod mounted slow shutters taken with the Sony/Tamron 18-250mm F3.5-6.3.
Beautiful shots, Justin. ; The rain on the boards adds so much.

I'm getting ideas for Pixelmania: ; Illuminations, World Showcase night photowalk, Crescent Lake night photowalk, Big River for a nightcap, sleep in the next day...
Thanks Dennis...that sounds good to me. ; I'm always up for the nighttime stuff, and rarely up for the morning stuff anyway!