BLT Grand Villa Pictures


Staff member
Dina and I were able to see and tour a grand villa at Bay Lake Tower!
I took 88 pictures for that tour and narrowed it down to 48 for the site.

Here are some of the best I got!
This is the link to see all 48:

All taken with the d300, tokina 11-16 (mostly at 11mm) and the sb-400 flash.

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
holy smokearolies! ; that place looks awesome... ; but the points! ; my gosh the points!
"Roger" said:
How many points during the "busy season"?

94 peak season sun-thurs
and 140 sat and sunday!!!!!!!!!
this would eat up your entire contract!