Bird Bath (SOLVED)

Where would you find this bird bath?

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Re: Bird Bath

Sid Cuy**** (don't know how to spell it) movie memorabilia by the entrance at the Studio.
Re: Bird Bath

hmmm... no idea. united kingdom?
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Re: Bird Bath

downtown disney, perhaps alongside the days of christmas shop, look at the siding and window trim, there is something similar at downtown
Re: Bird Bath

Totally 100% agree with Kiki on this one! It's Sid Cahuenga's One of a Kind shop at the inside entrance of Hollywood Studios. I recognize the green and brown house.

BTW - I know how to spell his last name because I lived just off Cahuenga Blvd in L.A. for 5 years. ;)
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Re: Bird Bath

i am going to agree with gary. I think it is on the backside of the christmas shop at downtown disney. Its to your left as you enter the marketplace from the bus dropoff.
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Re: Bird Bath

All good ideas but the winner is......(drum roll)...............

Kiki with Sids at DHS, actually it was MGM when I took the pic.
Re: Bird Bath

I digress... I was looking at it on my cell phone (very bored at work today)... Now that I see a larger photo, I can tell it is not Downtown Disney. Anyway, WTG Kiki.
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