BIG Announcement from Disney today

"zackiedawg" said:
Wasn't AK already cleared behind Asia to start a new land - which I thought might have been rumored to be a 'down under' type theme? ; Is this meant to be 'in addition to' that section, or is this an idea that will be intended to build on that spot and take its place? ; Anyone know? ; I was looking forward to an Aussie section in AK.

I think that is still happening. ; I think the new land will take over Camp Minnie-Mickey and some expansion area near it..... ; This was announced with the ink still wet on the contract. ; Blue Sky has NOTHING ready for what will be built in the land, Tom Skaggs' non-answers to the questions he answered confirmed that. ; That is why they aren't going to start construction until 2013.
"Sean&Karen" said:
Could you imagine the night time photos of Pandora ?? omg

I know. ; That alone could be the Potter-killah they want. ; Of course by then Harry Potter will be a memory when the land opens in 2015/2016..... ; ::)
"jbwolffiv" said:
Yet another dumb question from John, but what is Ewa?

Dude, you gotta get out from under that rock once in a while!

Eywa is the god/creator/mother Earth (or in this case, Panddora) spirit worshiped by the Na'vi. Eywa is the center of the Na'vi's spiritual life. In practical scientific terms, Eywa is actually a hive-mind consciousness created by almost all plant and animal species on Pandora being linked, through what appear to be ; a global organic fibre-optic data network. Animals and plants all over the planet connect themselves together, and the backbone of the network appears to be a special species of tree that looks like a willow tree with fibre-optic branches. The Na'vi themselves are part of this network, and can link themselves to the tree network, or directly to their individual beasts of burden (the horse-like pa'li and the pterodactyl-like ikran).

I mean, this is all common knowledge, man! Where have you been?
"WillCAD" said:
Dude, you gotta get out from under that rock once in a while!

I mean, this is all common knowledge, man! Where have you been?

Way too funny! ; I just assumed that Ewa was an acronym for something technical I have no clue about! ; Now those posts make a lot os sense!
"PolynesianMedic" said:
Just rent the movie and spend 2 1/2 hours in front of your TV. ; Then you'll understand. ;)

Funny thing is, I have seen the move (a few times actually, since it is was played on HBO everyday this summer) and liked it. I just did not make the connection. ;