Speaking from ;inside the walls of a newsroom occasionally stories take on a life of their own.
Bedbugs exists and an infestations needs to be treated seriously but often the "film, tape or files at 11" likes to scares the be jebus out of you.
Remember those "black light" stories that show up regularly in the news about what folks have left behind in accomodations.
Millions of visitors from so many different places visiting, eventually if not already the nocturnal nuisances will turn up
With that said on my latest 8 days on the road i followed the following protocols.
Protect Yourself from Bedbugs While Traveling
• Before getting settled in your hotel room, thoroughly inspect the room for bedbugs or prior bedbug infestation. Look for dark spots or light brown exoskeleton skins that bedbugs shed as they grow. These critters like to feed on peoples' exposed skin while they're sleeping, so check hiding spots that are 5 to 10 feet from sleeping and sitting areas. Since bedbugs don't like light, they'll be hiding in areas that are usually dark or have very low light.
• Keep your suitcases elevated off the floor. When you're ready to leave, double-check your luggage and its contents for any infestation. This may be bothersome, but it reduces the chances of hitchhiking bedbugs coming home with you.
• If you do find bedbugs, report it to management and stay at another hotel, or ask to be given another room that isn't directly adjacent to, above, or below the infested room.
• Once home, launder your clothing in the hottest water safe for fabric and dry on the highest recommended setting. Vacuum the interior and exterior of your suitcases and backpacks. Then thoroughly clean the vacuum's dust canister, or discard the used vacuum bag in a sealed plastic bag before vacuuming another room.
• Before your next stay, check out Bedbug Registry, a free public database where travelers report bedbug experiences they've had at hotels in the United States and Canada. You can search by hotel name, city, and state to see if your hotel has had any reported incidences of unwanted guests.
Sources: National Pest Management, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, California Dept. of Public Health, NYC Dept of Health & Mental Hygiene, CDC.
http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/or ... t-bed-bugs
http://sciblogs.co.nz/visibly-shaken/20 ... fographic/