Bay Lake Tower Sunrise


Staff member
I made sure to get up early one morning to catch Bay Lake Tower at Sunrise.

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Gorgeous. ; And thank you for showing me something there is basically NO chance I will ever see with my own eyes or camera. ; For all I know, the sun doesn't's just already up there in the sky when I wake up. ; ;)
i'm no fan of 0 dark thirty at all, but sometimes it's the shot, it just has to be, and when you do it and it's right, as this one so magnificently is, well then it's just right, kind of like being authentic, you know, just the way it supposed to be
Oh I know...notably for your rise-and-shine to get the barn with the mountain backdrop. ; It always looks so worth it and so sublime...I just can't seem to get myself motivated to get up and capture it mostly because I'm a ridiculous late-nighter all my life. ; On weeknights, when I have to get up at 7:45am for work (the earliest I get up...period)...I go to sleep between 2:30 and 3am. ; On weekends when I can sleep in, I'll be up until 4:30-5am, and wake around 10:30am. ; 5 to 5 1/2 hours of sleep is about all I seem to want or need, but I almost always sleep through the sunrise hour no matter how I carve it.