Bank Robbery Scene from the Great Movie Ride

This has always been a favorite dark ride scene of mine, and was a goal to capture on my last trip. Hope ya enjoy it!

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Cool shot! ; The last few times I've been on that it's always been the mobsters instead....
Yeah, I've always had the mobsters in my car. ; I've never had luck getting the alternate "interactive" portion of the ride
Nicely captured! ; I had that scene last probably 7 years ago...seems I too always get the mobsters every time I go. ; Wouldn't mind getting that scene again just for a change of pace.
If you dont mind waiting a bit longer in line you can ask for the cowboy side of the ride I believe its only available in the afternoon
There are two ways to get the Cowboy scene. When the queue splits when you get into the theater, go to the RIGHT side. And just to be safe, make sure you ask the CM if you are on the correct side for it. And I do believe this only operates during the afternoon/peak hours. Thanks for the positive comments on the shot guys!
Yeah, I was just a tad disappointed when we didn't get to see the flames. ; It had been six years since I had been but I never remembered them skipping that part.