Ballhead Joystick Grip for Luxi F

I know I had discussed this with a couple folks before, but what are the joystick grips you all use with the Luxi F? ; I would prefer a compact one, if possible.

Additionally, it's a 1/4" thread, so I assume for those using the Manfrotto ballheads, you're also using bushing adapters, is that correct?

I have been looking at the Manfrotto 322RC2 on eBay, but the best price I can find it for is around $90 shipped. ; I was hoping to spend $50-75, but I guess I could do $90. ; Does anyone else use this one? ; Would you recommend it?

If anyone has a used one they are looking to sell, PM me!

Thanks in advance for the help!
Yes, I have one. ; You will need the bushing adapter. ; It's a great ballhead.

No, I'm not planning on selling it anytime soon.
"Roger" said:
Yes, I have one. ; You will need the bushing adapter. ; It's a great ballhead.

No, I'm not planning on selling it anytime soon.

Thanks for the information.

Next question: ; are all bushing adapters created equally? ; You seem to know a bit about engineering and scientific things, will the second of these adapters make my tripod less stable? ; It seems to have fewer threads than the top one. ... 16_to.html ... ripod.html
I wonder if the picture on the general brand one just is an POV problem. ; I used a cheap one I got at a local store for $2, no problems.

As for the engineering part, I started college with a major in the Fire Protection Engineering, ended up differently....