Back to the grind


Well we are back from our wonderful trip. ; The weather was unseasonably warm and we had a fantastic time, or at least I did. ; Wish I was still there enjoying the weather, but it is good to take a break from all the walking around we did. ; I will post more later. ; Right now, I have to catch up on all the work I missed. ; I guess they missed me:-)

Hope everyone had a great couple of days while we were away.
Welcome back!!!

It's been quiet around here... as we were all wishing we were with you at WDW!!!

I, for one, am looking forward to the results of all that "research".
Welcome back. It was awesome ; meeting you at Mousefest. I've got 1300 pictures, 50 hours of audio and 8 hours of video to go though I'll post some of my picture once I had a chance to go though them. I was too bad you didn't make it to LTAD drink around the world we had a mini Northern Mouse meet at the Canada Pavilion. ; I lost my voice this week and am just getting it back today. I look forward to seeing your pictures.
We managed to take over 1500 photos ourselves. ; It will take a few days to wade through all of those and make sure they are postable. ; Mousefest was a blast and it was nice finally meeting you NorthernMouse.

I was one of the RADPers you met at Mousefest. ; It was great getting to know you, even if we couldn't convince Sean to ride the Tower of Terror. ;

This seems like a very friendly community, I'll poke in and out from time to time.

Hope to see you at Disney again soon!

Doh! I have been outed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the record i don't do drops ... I could jump on Rockin' Roller Coaster for hours .... but drops *Yuk*
My feeling is, you need to try everything at least once. ; This way at least you KNOW you don't like it.

This way, you're just going to have people bugging you to ride it until you do.

And the date you need to mark on your calendar is December 15, 2008. ; That will be the date of RADP's 10th annual Tower of Terror meet. ; We WILL see you there.
