Anyone want some tea? (SOLVED)

Re: Anyone want some tea?

Good start...a tea guess. Unfortunately, cold.
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Re: Anyone want some tea?

No to Expedition Everest queue, and no to Swiss Family Robinson.

Everest guess was at least warm...Swiss family guess was all wet.
Re: Anyone want some tea?

Nope...not Kilimanjaro queue. Still slightly warm, but you need to listen to some old LL Cool J songs for inspiration.
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Re: Anyone want some tea?


I was proud of that clue! Really dug through history for that one.
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Re: Anyone want some tea?

all I can think of is goin back to cali.
but this is in wdw right?
Re: Anyone want some tea?

ok, based on AK being warm and swiss treehouse being all wet, I'm gonna go with kali river rapids queue.
Re: Anyone want some tea?

Aaaaaaah, goin back to "Kali"!

haha, good one Justin!
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Thank you! I was very very proud of that one! And yes - you got it...this is in the Kali River Rapids queue.

This is in the very last building in the queue, before you go outside and get on the roundabout. It's just to the right, like you're going through the rafting offices.

Nice detective work Craig - even if you picked up on the last clue AFTER you solved it!
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ll coolj????? does he play banjer or mannerlin, maybe some gittar??
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I'm sure he plays them all...they don't make talented musicians like that anymore. ;)
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