anyone Else with a D80


just a question. Does your D80 tend to overexpose? I find myself using -.3 or -.7 ev to preserve highlights. I also use matrix metering
ha ha!! I almost always shoot -.3. Then, all of a sudden that seems wrong. I have come to the conclusion that my D80 doesn't know what it wants. I am a little disappointed in the meter. I didn't have to check it so much with my old Nikon 35mm, it just worked. Otherwise, I love my D80, it is far more capable than I am.
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thanx. I read elsewhere about it but wanted to confirm it wasn't me. And yea I feel it is above my skills at the moment also but atleast it don't cost to practice and learn like film did
You're right about the film era.

I was the local pro shop about a month ago when someone came in looking at the D40 series. The salesman mentioned "....has the best metering system in an SLR"

Which, okay, is probably true, but with instant feedback, is that a real selling point? I know when you are in the field back in the old days, miles from your car, you better bracket or it's shoot, check, repeat until you are satisfied.

(Which reminds me of when I tried to use ACR with Elements 4.0 with bracketed shots in RAW - ACR decided to auto fix my exposures, so they were all the same)
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Digital Nikons are known for this. Keep that EV+/- button at the ready! ;D
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I shoot in A priority so I don't mind using the ev control but the D80 metering seems to favor shadows alot but like anything else it is just a matter of mastering the tool and alot of chimping :)
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