Anybody catch the WDW Christmas Parade???


It was great. ; Lots of good shots around the park, huge crowds along Mainstreet on the day the parade was taped.

Anybody ever been there for the big event? ; Christmas in the parks must be great.
We watched it! ; It was pretty cool. ; We got to see that parade at the Very Merry Christmas Party. ; We also seen a family that we know on as well. ; They were so excited to get on and it was pretty neat to see them. ; They did however move the very large tree that was just by the castle down to the middle of the town square by the time we got to the parks. ; Wish we would have been there to see them tape some of it, but it was all over by the time we got there. ;
I have been in the resort on the day the parade is taped, but I have stayed as far away from the Magic Kingdom as possible. ; If you want the chance to be on tv, you have to be there at a godforsaken early hour of the morning. ; You have to commit to staying in one place for the entire day. It takes an entire day to film the "parade" as they only do one unit at a time. I'd rather spend my time playing in the other parks, thank you very much.

I agree with you Kevin from what I hear it's not a lot of fun after 6 hours of the same thing. Minnie saw the parade the right way at the Christmas party. I wish they would take the opportunity to talk Imagineers at the parade a rather than the advertising they do, but I guess that's the main reason for having it.