Any suggestions for Medieval Times?


I am going to a show tomorrow night and plan on bringing my camera. ; I called to check that they have no policies about photography, the only one being a red indicator light that many video cameras have when they are recording.

My question is has anyone gone to a show and taken pictures? ; Any suggestions for shooting during the show? ;
Indoors is it? ; Horses? ; Dark dirt as the base which will soak up light like a sponge? ; Yeah, sounds like some of the indoor horse shows I photographed at. ;

Being a show, you might get some good spot lighting which brings to mind you will probably want to use spot metering. ; Bring your fastest lens and like most stage shows, wait for times when the action stops for a second or two to cut down on motion blur. ; Of course, panning would be a good technique to use, too.
once in awhile try for a shot with some blur on either the horses lower legs, or showing motion on parts of the rider. horse riding is a dynamic sport, anything else tends to get too much into statue posing, that's all right, i do a lot of that for my riding club, more like a horse portrait, but rodeo, barrels, roping,trick show, etc. ; these need to convey some action. just my usual 0.02 worth
Thanks for the advice! ; I only remembered the spot metering about halfway through the show. ; I tried some panning and discovered that I am to too good at that yet. ; I am in the process of looking through my shots. ; I can say that I have a lot to learn, but it was fun!