Another NEW guy here!


This looks like a nice website. Sorry I don't have any pics to post, my good computer with ALL my pictures went down :'( now using the old laptop. But If you would like to look at some of my Pictures I took back in Oct.06 at WDW here is the URL : ... 006525788/
Camera is a Canon XT with kit lens.
Going Back to WDW in Dec. 07 :D TTYL Tronman54
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this is a really great bunch of folks who all get along nicely. Thanks for joining us and have a great time here.
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I can't seem to post a picture here - any help!!!
I know it must be easy, but I can't do it right now. :'(
The only thing I see is the 2nd icon from the left. I click on it and nothing, I don't know what to do with it.
Thanks Tron54
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When you are doing a reply (not a quick reply), you'll have an option near the bottom left that says 'Additional Options...'

Click that and you'll be given an option to attach an image to your post. You cannot upload an image larger than 250KB.

Other than that, you can reference pictures that you have stored on web albums like Flickr or your own web photo album.

You'd use the img tags to do that
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Welcome Tronman - nice to have you aboard.

Just be sure not to screw up Tim's MCP (a little inside Tron humour, for fans of the movie :) )
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