Another blast of winter


Well yesterday we got a bit more snow. ; It reminded me of NS because at first the snow seemed wet. ; Usually we get really dry snow here. ; Of course it made the driving just terrible to get home in. ; It usually takes 25 minutes, well last night it took over an hour to get home. ; Thankfully we got home safely because we drove so slow. ; This morning was a challenge too, but I must say, for the time of the morning I drove into work, people actually took their time.
Wow, it is like gorgeous here. ; The temp is going up to 13 today; a little rainy, but no more snow.

Snow? ; We're supposed to hit 16 today! ; :o ; Of course, it's supposed to rain all weekend, though.
It's been raining here all day... but it sounds like acold front is supposed to blow in tonight and cause freezing rain and then about 10 cm's of snow.

Oh well, this southern BC weather had to end sometime... ; :'(
Yeah... it's December, now... we should expect things to be chillier than they have been for the past month.... give the ground time to freeze so that any Christmas snow will make things nice and white... not muddy brown ;)