All in one camera / videocamera


Anyone have suggestions on an all-in-one camera and videocamera? I'd prefer something very small that either had a hard drive of flash card. Thanks!

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What price range are you looking at?

Which do you want to do better?

All in ones have to compromise one for the other, so if you want better stills get a still that takes video (most of the still cameras out there are getting pretty good video modes), if you want better video, you will have to go higher end to get decent stills.
Unfortunately none of the offerings out there is that great. Most importantly, however, once you choose flash card/HDD/DVD format, the video is compressed using MPEG instead of DV25 (only miniDV, D8 and DVCam uses DV25) which is far superior than MPEG compression.
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"idarknight" said:
All in ones have to compromise one for the other, so if you want better stills get a still that takes video (most of the still cameras out there are getting pretty good video modes), if you want better video, you will have to go higher end to get decent stills.

Agreed. I actually prefer the movies from my S1 IS than the ones from the full ZR90. At least I can quickly take a great picture unlike the ZR90. Downside- max is 640x480. which actually isn't too bad when you consider what the current non-HD standard is.
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