I got very lucky on this one!
I set up my shot with this composition that I liked. The mickey wreath is new this year. Then the monorail came through and stopped. So shooting bulb, I took one exposure at about 6 seconds (but f11) so it was a little dark. but then the monorail started moving very slowly, so I quickly held the shutter open until it moved out of the frame.
So, no with two exposures on a tripod, one slightly over, one slightly under exposed, I combined them at home using photomatix blend (not hdr). I also used nIk dfine after!
[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
I set up my shot with this composition that I liked. The mickey wreath is new this year. Then the monorail came through and stopped. So shooting bulb, I took one exposure at about 6 seconds (but f11) so it was a little dark. but then the monorail started moving very slowly, so I quickly held the shutter open until it moved out of the frame.
So, no with two exposures on a tripod, one slightly over, one slightly under exposed, I combined them at home using photomatix blend (not hdr). I also used nIk dfine after!
[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]