advice on gear for the parks


heading to orlando in october and i intend to snap away hoping to get something decent. i do a good bit of studio photography not so much landscape so im heading with

tamron 16-300
tamron 24-70
90mm macro( possibly)

lx100 for stuff like second attempts and on ride and Halloween horror nights

anyone any advice or will that cover all possible things lol
You should be in pretty good shape. You won't be able to do much dark ride shooting with that loadout, although the Tammy 24-70 at f/2.8 will be able to do *some* dark rides. If you can add a 50 f/1.8 into the bag, you would be pretty set. Any specific questions, fire away!
Cheers tim. I thought the 24-70 would be okay th dark rides, it works a treat for my concert photography work but that's why I'm bringing the lx100 its a 24-70 and drops to 1.7.

I've been before but as always you learn new stuff and want to head back and use what you've learnt. Lol I will get my shot of the bride and the hit hiking ghosts if it kills me
For the hitchhiking ghosts, focus on the singing busts and lock the focus. When you turn the corner to face the hitchhiking ghosts you'll be the same distance. I've found that a 35mm on full frame is just wide enough to get all 3 in one shot. Good luck!
The bride should be a non-issue with an F/2.8 lens. For the hitchhiking ghosts, I always use my 28 mm F/1.8. A 50 mm will not work for that shot because by the time you acquire focus you're already too close.