A View From the Top (California Grill)

Discussion in 'WDW Resorts / Downtown / Rest of WDW' started by mainstreet1997, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. In February we were able to eat at some really nice restaurants we had never been to before and of course our first pick was California Grill. Amazingly, we were able to get ADRs for 7:40 - 20 minutes before Wishes!

    First of all, if youve never been up there -- its REALLY beautiful and a great way to start off a trip!

    [​IMG] (Again, thank you Expocap!)

    [​IMG] This was taken without the Expocap and I really dont mind the warmer tones!

    We got up there right at about 7:40 and got a drink at the bar [​IMG]

    We commented that you could make and ADR and get a nice seat by the window, a plate of sushi and a glass of wine for the show - not a bad view huh?


    We were seated at about 10 minutes to 8 right near the kitchen

    and soon headed out to the observation deck


    Yay for my 55-250mm!




    I think I have one of these in every color but I wont bore you with that ;D

    Then...the show started!









    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Great experience! I always enjoy hitting a few of the nice restaurants while I'm up there - Cali Grill is great food and a wonderful view, so it's always worth the occasional splurge. And of course Jiko, my favorite.

    I used to shoot alot from up there, when they let you go up freely to the roof through the restaurant - it's a little harder now as you have to at the very least be dressed restaurant-appropriate to get up in the elevator, or go out to the staircase from the farthest room floor.

    I'm sure the occasion will be marked in your brain for some time to come - seeing the fireworks from up there is memorable. It shows you why some folks (Craig!) love staying in the tower at Contemporary - you get that view and that show every night while on your balcony in your boxers. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  3. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    Calif Grill is a great restaurant now. the food has really improved the past few years. We love it! It is a great view up there!

    Here we are in August 08 having a great night out:

    [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. WDWmemories

    WDWmemories Member

    I have never been there - it looks terrific, and I'm glad to hear that the food is good :)
  5. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    My wife and I go there usually when we are down for our anniversary trip. We got married at the Poly and had the private room at the California Grill for our dinner. It was a great time, still the best sushi I have ever had, and we love going back and remembering how magical our wedding night was.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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