A not-so-magical Disney vacation

This article had me fumming http://www.cnn.com/2009/TRAVEL/05/01/di ... newssearch it's rediculus that CNN ran it as a headliner on the website last friday. What makes me mad is that Disney actually compensated the family. Nothing there seemed like a big deal that Disney wouldn't have been able to fix on the spot. Tickets upgrades are done all the time. Same with moving rooms if your not happy. The're is a lot more to this story that the family is leading on.
This person had some odd problems and it would be hard to believe he is stating facts. ;
I've never seen a 5 hour line up just to get a fast pass? ; 5 hours, I don't ever remember seeing a 5 hour wait for any ride? ; 2 or 3 hours during Christmas or Easter maybe. ;
I wonder what the problem was with the dining plan that required them to spend hours figuring out the bill? ; Did the restaurant continue to serve them coffee and drinks while they were trying to figure it out ;)
I'm a little surprised that they were reimbursed for over $1000! ;
You know what they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease! ; Maybe I should complain more on my next trip and I can then use the $1000 refund to book another trip!
The 5 hours was the Fast Pass return time not unreasonable for popular rides and busy times lucky they even got fastpasses I hate to see what they would do if the fastpasses were out.
Got it. ; Guess I mis-read that. ; Yes i would be happy to get a fast pass. ; You at least have a choice to either return or wait in the line up. ;